Rikki-Tikki-Tavi holds up well and looks as though it could be shown on Cartoon Network next to today's kids cartoons.
Download to watch offline and even view it on a big screen using Chromecast. I saw this film first in the early '80s, and I was somewhat astonished that it was made in the mid-70s, but that makes sense seeing as to how my elementary school was built in the late-70s. Buy Tickety Toc on Google Play, then watch on your PC, Android, or iOS devices. This animated short has chills, thrills, spills, and it has enough for the adults that won't make them sick viewing after viewing, which is why I think the teachers would pull Rikki-Tikki-Tavi out of the closet every time the weather was bad and needed to keep us indoors. Now that I'm an adult (or something close to resembling one), I can appreciate the stylization Chuck Jones put into crafting Rikki-Tikki-Tavi. Tickety Toc 10' New NWT 2013 Talking Tallulah Poseable Arms & Legs TRU Retired. By middle school and high school, I had all but forgotten about Rikki-Tikki-Tavi until I saw it for sale on DVD.

I can still here the clacking of the film spools wind around even when I watch on my DVD. There's also a giant game of Tickety-Tag and a marvelously messy photo day! With the help of their Tickety Town friends, Pufferty, McCoggins, Tooteroo, Madame Au Lait, Battersby, Chikidee and Hopparoo, your own preschoolers will learn the importance of teamwork, community and social responsibility.When I was growing up, Rikki-Tikki-Tavi was one of those films the teachers and teacher's aides at my elementary school would pull out of the AV room and spool around on film projectors during inclement weather. The shows heroes are 8-year-old twins Tommy and Tallulah, who race against. Behind the clocks face is an extraordinary world where things dont always run smoothly. The clock chimes the time every hour, but its not as easy as it seems.
Plot Summary:It's Time for Adventure! The Very First Collection From The New Hit Series Where Madcap Adventures Happen Quickety Tickety! Set in an extraordinary world behind the Tickety Toc Clock, Chime Time Adventures follows comedic heroes Tommy and Tallulah as they race to chime the time.but, as every hour passes and the clock springs to life, things don't always run so smoothly! In these six exciting episodes, the twins and their adorable friends will embark on wild storybook shenanigans, daring circus acts and amazing magic tricks. Tickety Toc Clock is a special clock located in the middle of a wall of clocks inside an old clock shop. These aired on Nickelodeon in fall / winter 2014. This was in collaboration with the in house design team at Nickelodeon. You can use your mobile device without any trouble. I contributed illustrations to be animated alongside the kids in this video talking about various Nick Jr shows.

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